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Summerfields Primary


Atkinson Drive


PO30 2LJ

email icon imageoffice@summerfields.iow.sch.uk

Our School

Active Travel

Active Travel

Summerfields Primary School encourages and supports the whole school community to travel more actively and sustainably where possible.

Studies show that travelling actively can help develop physical and mental well-being, social interaction, and independent travel skills. To support this, we take part in Road Safety and Travel to School Week each year. We also carry out regular travel surveys using the Shift-It APP.

We also recognise the importance of our children having practice of travelling independently to prepare them for the transition from our primary school to their secondary education setting. In addition, we want them to have the skills required to be able to choose sustainable and active modes beyond their statutory education.

We promote and support sustainable travel with activities and integrate this agenda into our curriculum, wherever possible.

* Our School is very pleased to announce that we have received a Green accreditation for Modeshift Stars. This is a scheme that encourages schools across the country to join in a major effort to increase levels of sustainable and active travel in order to improve the health and well-being of children and young people. Part of this scheme has been the implementation of our Junior Travel Ambassadors - Road safety is an important life skill for children to learn, all throughout their school years. Providing good quality road safety education teaches children how to be safe and responsible when travelling to and from school, particularly as they grow older and begin to gain their own independence. Having these skills instilled in children at an early age helps them to stay safe for their lifetime. Promoting active travel throughout childhood also helps children to understand why active modes of travel are good for you rather than using the car, as well as the wider benefits of lowering your individual carbon footprint, encouraging them to be sustainable members of the community.


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Our Expectations

  • At Summerfields we consider regular attendance extremely important and it is our aim that every child attends school every day.
  • Often parents are unaware of how a few days off 'here and there' can affect their child’s attendance, therefore we regularly monitor every pupil’s attendance.
  • Our school hours for Reception are 8:45am - 3:05pm. For the rest of the school it is 8.45am - 3.15pm, giving a total of 32.5 hours per week.
  • A polite reminder that our school gates open at 8.35 and children are expected to be in their classrooms ready to learn at 8.45am when the register is taken. We are monitored by the Education and Inclusion service and they will be continuing to uptake drop ins for lateness and arranging meetings for any children who are classed as persistently absent. Everyday a child misses is a day they can’t get back for learning. 90% attendance — 1/2 day missed every week (over a year this is 4 weeks or 60 lessons lost) 85% attendance– 29 days a year (equivalent to 6 weeks per year) 80% attendance– 38 days a year (over 7 years of primary school, this is the equivalent to missing more than a year of schooling) You can make the greatest difference to your child’s and we appreciate your support with this. Your child’s education is your child’s future– the greater their attendance the greater their achievements in all areas.
  • We understand that sometimes children do get poorly and that they are too unwell to be in school. If your child is genuinely unwell with illnesses such as D&V (48hours), then of course they need to be at home and rest with you. Also, if they have infectious illnesses such as chicken pox, please take advice from your doctor or pharmacist. You will need to make sure you keep in contact with the school on a daily basis to inform us of progress to your child's illness and when they return to school. Please make the school aware that your child will be off by 9am, this will make sure that the illness is recorded as an authorised absence.

Bright Sparks Breakfast, Out of Hours School Club and Holiday Club

These clubs are offered by Bright Sparks on our school site. Breakfast club runs from 8am - 8.45am and Out of Hours School Club from 3:15pm - 4.30pm. There are also Holiday Clubs held during the Summer holidays and half terms. For further details please contact them directly on 559098.

Confident Readers

Friends of Summerfields

All parents are welcome to get involved in this group to raise money for the school by organising school fayres, discos, quizzes, etc. This money helps fund school trips and extra equipment. Come along to a meeting and find out more.

Golden Rules of Reading

How to find us

Atkinson Drive, Newport PO30 2LJ. Isle of Wight


My Child’s Progress

Parents Evenings

  • You will be kept up to date with your child’s progress during the Autumn and Spring terms at Parents Meetings. One formal report will also be written about your child and sent to you during the Summer term.
  • You will be given a Parent Planner at the start of each topic with the themes and projects the children will be doing. This will help you support your child’s learning at home.

Helping My Child at Home

  • Read to and with your child at home.
  • Talk to your child and question them about things that they see and do.
  • Help your child with their homework including learning their school spellings.
  • Praise your child and try to remain positive with them.

Paired Reading

Phonic Support for Parents

Phonics at Summerfields

  • Here at Summerfields we believe that learning to read and enjoying books are of the highest importance. We realise that it is a key life skill and that in order to access the curriculum fully, children need the ability to read.

Early Years and Key Stage 1

  • We have updated our selection of school books so that now all books sent home for children on the Essential Letters and Sounds phonics scheme are decodable and are linked to the sounds taught in their phonics lessons. This means that the majority of the words can be 'sounded out' by the child. These words will be alongside 'harder to read and spell' words, for example 'the', 'was', 'there' which cannot be decoded.

Teaching Phonics at Summerfields

  • We have brought in Essential Letters and Sounds (ELS) as our new phonics scheme.
  • The aim is to teach all children to read quickly and to enjoy books

How we teach it

  • All children following the scheme are taught in whole class groups. They learn a new sound every day for four days, then have a review lesson at the end of the week.
  • There are whole weeks devoted to revision so the sounds are not forgotten, and on a Friday, the children read their new book in class before taking it home. The child has that book for a week.

Why teach phonics this way?

  • The children are all taught the same sounds but we know that children are not all the same. Some may fly ahead and some may find reading a struggle. Children who need it are given extra support within the lesson and again after the lesson needed. The lessons are fast-paced and engaging. There are chances for reading and writing in every lesson because we know the strong links between both.

What can I as a parent do to help?


Pupil Council

Children are elected by their classmates to represent the class. Meetings are held at least half termly to discuss important issues relating to the school.

School Trips

Permission slips and how to pay

  • All school trips must be paid for in advance and permission slips returned by the deadline set in the letter advising of the trip.
  • Payment must be via Scopay or PayPoint as school are unable to accept payments.


Our Children

our children image

'Staff care deeply about pupils, who know they will be listened to and supported if they have any problems.' - Ofsted 2024

our children image

'Leaders' have high aspirations for pupils' achievement and conduct.' - Ofsted 2024